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Finally, all the information you need in the palm of your hand

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Key features

  • Simple to use
  • Streamline the Buying/Selling process Built with manufacturers' input
  • View average number of days vehicle takes to sell based on archive Caravan Finder data
  • Every caravan and motorhome dealership is different. We offer full flexibility to change your business model as frequently as you want as the business environment changes. For example, coming into the Spring/Winter months, interest rate changes etc.

We are delighted to introduce you to the new Caravan Finder price guide.

Packed with clever unique features, our guide allows you to get the right price from day one for your caravan or motorhome.

For over 25 years we have been building an extensive library of caravans and motorhomes which is used by our customers who already display their entire portfolio on the Caravan Finder website.

The majority of this library is now incorporated into our price guide

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Compare your price to live and sold adverts on Caravan Finder

  • Set your own margins to match your business model per vehicle type, by £ or %, whenever you want to reflect seasonal and other changes
  • Built with manufacturers' input
  • Downloadable graphs for accurate record keeping - perfect for sale or return customers
  • Additional account access for duration of the Birmingham NEC Caravan & Motorhome shows
  • Developed and operated by Caravan Finder, drawing on our 25 years experience
  • Display popularity of layout (live April 2025)
  • Additional features to be launched in Q2 2025
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Use our live and historic data to help you decide where to pitch your caravan or motorhome for maximum impact.

Knowing the competition is everything.

At a click of a button enjoy the benefit of using the Caravan Finder Price Guide.

New exciting features are scheduled to be added throughout 2025 and beyond, ensuring the Caravan Finder Price Guide will be an invaluable tool for your business for many years to come.

Choose a price and at a click of a button see where your vehicle will be positioned against live adverts on Caravan Finder.

Not only that but why not download the graph for accurate recording keeping. Especially useful for 'Sale or Return' customers.

We care for the industry, which is why the big caravan and motorhome shows are on at the Birmingham NEC we will add additional access account so that those back at base can use our guide and the team at the NEC can independently use it too!

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Have a FREE 30 day trial with voucher code 30DAYS