Very good condition. To include the following:
LPG lightweight gas bottle
Motor movers
Solar panel
New battery
Electric Hook up cable
Grey waste incl. flexible hoses
Milenco Hitch lock
Milenco Car/caravan mirrors
autofill Mains water kit
Whale aquasource mains water connection & hose
Large entrance steps
Gas Kettle
Electric kettle
coffee maker
front towing cover for caravan
caravan skirt
ground sheet & fixing pegs
fire blanket
tv/dvd player rechargeable hand hoover
Rechargeable drill with adaptor for corner steady Jack legs
3 x summer mats
factory Manufactured carpets
folding table inside
folding table outside
2 x folding chairs
many other kitchen items
Service & Damp reports carried out January 2025
spare water pump & spare breakaway cable
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